Our Infant & Toddler Classroom is a special place where children aged from birth to two years old embark on an exciting journey of growth and development in a nurturing Christian Environment.

Young children learn best through play, exploration, and hands-on experiences. Our curriculum provides a framework that supports their natural curiosity, fosters their development, and nurtures their love for learning.

Some of the developmentally appropriate milestones we focus on within our Infant & Toddler Classroom include:

  • Physical Development: We create a safe and stimulating environment where infants and toddlers can develop their gross and fine motor skills. Activities such as crawling, rolling, climbing, and grasping objects of different shapes and sizes promote their physical growth and coordination.

  • Cognitive Development: Our curriculum encourages infants and toddlers to explore their surroundings, engage in sensory experiences, and build their problem-solving skills. We provide age-appropriate toys, puzzles, and activities that stimulate their curiosity, encourage exploration, and lay the foundation for future learnings

  • Social and Emotional Development: We foster a warm and loving atmosphere where children develop trusting relationships with their caregivers and peers. We promote social interaction, encourage self-expression, and help children recognize and manage their emotions. Through gentle guidance and Christian values, we teach empathy, kindness, and respect for one another.


Our 2-Year-Old classroom is a place filled with laughter, learning, and love, where your child can embark on an exciting journey of exploration and growth in a nurturing Christian environment. We understand that this stage is a time of significant development in language, social skills, and independence, and we are here to support and guide your child every step of the way.

Some of the developmentally appropriate milestones we focus on:

  • Language and Communication: We provide a language-rich environment where children are encouraged to express themselves and engage in conversations. Through storytime, music, and age-appropriate activities, we foster vocabulary development, listening skills, and the joy of communication.

  • Social and Emotional Development: Our program focuses on helping children develop positive relationships, empathy, and self-regulation skills. We promote sharing, taking turns, and problem-solving in a supportive and caring environment. Through Christian values and gentle guidance, we nurture their emotional well-being and cultivate a sense of belonging.

  • Cognitive Development: Our curriculum stimulates cognitive growth through hands- on activities and age-appropriate challenges. We introduce early math and literacy concepts, engage in sensory exploration, and encourage problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Through play-based learning, we foster curiosity and a love for discovery.


Our Preschool Classroom is a place of wonder, discovery, and spiritual growth, where children aged 3 to 4 years old embark on an exciting journey of learning and development. We understand that this stage is crucial for building a strong foundation in all areas of development, and we are committed to providing a nurturing Christian environment that fosters growth and prepares children for future success.

Some of the developmentally appropriate milestones we focus on include:

  • Language and Literacy: We provide rich language experiences through storytelling, reading, and language-building activities. Children engage in conversations, develop vocabulary, and begin to recognize letters and sounds. We foster a love for reading and lay the foundation for future literacy skills.

  • Mathematical Thinking: Our program introduces basic mathematical concepts through hands-on experiences and play. Children explore numbers, shapes, patterns, and engage in problem-solving activities. We encourage critical thinking, reasoning, and a love for mathematical exploration.

  • Social and Emotional Development: We create a nurturing environment where children develop social skills, empathy, and self-regulation. Through cooperative play, sharing, and caring for others, we promote positive relationships and emotional well-being. Our Christian values guide our teachings, promoting kindness, respect, and love for one another.

  • Physical Development: We provide opportunities for gross and fine motor development through various activities. Children engage in active play, practice coordination skills, and develop their fine motor control through art, manipulative play, and other hands-on experiences.


Our PreK Classroom is a place where young minds flourish, creativity soars, and a love for learning is nurtured. We understand that this stage is a pivotal time in a child’s development as they prepare for kindergarten and embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and faith.

Some of the developmentally appropriate milestones we focus on include:

  • Language and Literacy: We provide a rich literacy environment where children engage in reading, storytelling, and early writing activities. They develop phonemic awareness, letter recognition, and expand their vocabulary. Through interactive experiences, we foster a love for language and a strong foundation in literacy.

  • Mathematical Thinking: Our program encourages mathematical exploration through hands-on activities, puzzles, and games. Children develop number sense, counting skills, spatial awareness, and basic mathematical concepts. We nurture critical thinking and problem-solving abilities that lay the groundwork for future math proficiency.

  • Social and Emotional Development: We promote social skills, empathy, and self- regulation through cooperative play, group projects, and meaningful discussions. Our Christian values form the basis of character development, teaching children to respect others, show kindness, and embrace diversity. We foster a sense of belonging and a positive classroom community.

  • Scientific Inquiry and Exploration: Our curriculum encourages curiosity, observation, and hands-on experiments. Children explore the world around them, discover cause-and-effect relationships, and develop an understanding of basic scientific concepts. We inspire wonder and nurture a love for inquiry-based learning.


In every classroom, we use the following acclaimed curriculum: Creative Curriculum® and ORANGE™ First Look Bible curriculum. Both are designed to support early learning through engaging activities and experiences that stimulate their senses and promote their overall development. Throughout the year, we focus on key developmental areas which include: Physical Development, Cognitive Development, Spiritual Development, and Social and Emotional Development.


The Creative Curriculum includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four main categories of interest: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language.

The social/emotional stage helps promote independence, self-confidence and self-control. Within this stage, children learn how to make friends, how to have group interactions and how to follow rules.

The physical stage is intended to increase children’s large and small motor skills.

The cognitive stage is associated with thinking skills. Children learn how to solve problems, ask questions and think critically.

The language stage deals with communication. Children learn how to communicate with others, listen and participate in conversations, and recognize various forms of print. In this stage, children begin to recognize letters and words and begin writing for a purpose.

We encourage children to observe, take things apart, build and see what they can find out. The more active children are in their work, the more they learn and remember. As children play, we watch how they use materials. We listen. We talk with them to find out what they are thinking and trying to do. We observe what they do and take note. Through those notes, we can plan activities that interest them but still teach skill building within the four stages.

A unique piece of Creative Curriculum is GOLD, which is the ongoing assessment. Each lesson is designed for a specific development and learning objective. During each lesson we are able to observe, collect data, analyze the data and respond accordingly by designing developmentally appropriate plans for each child.

ORANGE™ First Look Bible Curriculum

First Look preschool curriculum provides us with tools and a strategy to create an engaging, inspiring, and excellent environment to give preschoolers a foundation of faith that will last a Lifetime.

Preschoolers will consistently hear these 3 basic truths:
● God made me.
● God loves me.
● Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

To ensure we are meeting each child’s unique developmental needs, we utilize the Ages and Stages Questionnaires, known as ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE assessments. These reliable tools help us gain valuable insights into your child’s development. ASQ-3 assesses areas such as communication, fine and gross motor skills, problem-solving, and personal-social skills. ASQ-SE focuses on social-emotional development, including self-regulation and relationships. These assessments enable us to tailor our program to each child’s specific strengths and areas that may need additional support.